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Music, Economics, and Beyond

LGTDZ | 4 novembre 2020

According to author Stephen J. Dubner, « The smartest thing about the Rolling Stones under Jagger’s leadership is the band’s workmanlike, corporate approach to touring. The economics of pop music include two main revenue streams: record sales and touring profits. Record sales are a) unpredictable; and b) divided up among many […]

Music themeMusic WordPress

How To License Your Music

LGTDZ | 4 novembre 2020

Music is a big part of civilization. Centuries had passed but music survived and even grew to greater heights every single decade. As a matter of fact, the demand of music has been rising very steadily in the past 10 years and it will continue that way in the foreseeable […]


Astronote – CIWYW 2

LGTDZ | 29 octobre 2020

Lorsqu’un nouveau projet d’Astronote entre en circulation, c’est un transport de fonds qui transite de son studio à nos esgourdes. Nouveau convoi exceptionnel, à l’itinéraire secret et sans annonce préalable, le second CIWYW renfloue nos playlists de tracks métaphysiques depuis le 22 octobre sur Bandcamp.

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